Microfluidics- A comprehensive approach to the study of fluids

J. Tariq
5 min readJul 22, 2021



Microfluidics refers to fluid handling technologies in which at least one element is less than 1 mm in a specific dimension and the inner volume is less than 100 PA. The most common methods of driving flow in micro-channels are the use of pressure gradients through external reservoirs, pressure driven by peristaltic pumps on the device and externally used electrical components. capillary, acoustic and magnetic forces have also been used to transmit fluids in micro-channels. Such devices take advantage of small footprints, small amounts of samples and regression requirements, shorter analysis times, and large-scale control over performing processes, leading to one or more laboratory-based approaches, and giving rise to ‘lab-on-a-chip’ technology. In recent years, it has emerged as a distinct new field of research thanks to its use in a wide variety of fields such as chemistry, biology, medicine and physical sciences, and they are revolutionizing the way research can be done and the information that can be obtained. A strong motivation in microfluidic research comes from the development of lab-on-chip (LOC) devices, It is expected to revolutionize the field of chemistry and biology, as integrated circuits have done in computing. This makes it possible to analyze samples with a very limited amount, thus making most bioanalysis much less invasive and viable in non-specific location care centers. Microfluidic manipulation can also increase the rate of mass transfer to rapidly increase the rate of chemical processing, which may be related to the sensing mechanism. This capability is especially important for sensors that require a binding reaction at a solid surface, as in DNA and protein chips. The continuous development of microfluidic elements is clearly necessary to normalize the chemical process by which It can be used. As more and more researchers realize the power of Microfluidics, such technology is being applied in many new fields, thus saving money and time in research. Despite the tremendous benefits of microfludics, it is still not widely used — due to the challenges in commercializing this technology.

Microfluidics: A revolution in biology and chemistry

Microfluidic systems are devices that contain a set of small components that allow the study and analysis of chemical or biological patterns. Those “microprocessors for biology” can replace bulky and expensive instruments. Microfluidics is certainly a revolution in biology and chemistry, as microprocessors brought in electronics and computer science. Over the past 30 years, microfluidics has grown rapidly from its roots in the microelectronics industry. Adaptations to existing technologies and the development of new technologies have led to the development of many devices that allow researchers to analyze systems more quickly, efficiently and automatically than ever before. Furthermore, devices have been developed that have allowed the observation of phenomena that were inherent to past technologies. Despite the proliferation of new devices over the past few decades, It has not yet reached its full potential. This can be due to a number of reasons. Microfluidics researchers did not consider the end users of the devices they developed. This has led to the development of many novel devices that have failed to make an impact in the field.Nowadays, there is an increasing trend from engineers to work more closely with biologists and chemists throughout the design process of devices to ensure their usefulness as research tools and to help engineers find the right problems to solve. However, in order to necessitate this research, there must first be sufficient demand for microfluidic devices out with engineering communities. This will only be created by addressing the point that collaborations with other fields of research should be fostered. Only with a need for devices, will companies be able exploit this market and provide both standard and custom microfluidics to expedite novel research. Among microfluidics system, the polymers chain reaction ( PCR) received the most attention and development through few chip based systems have been commercialized. In recent years polymers have been center of attraction for microfluidics system, mainly due to their biocompatibility, ease of fabrication, low cost and optical properties. Various PCR configuration like stationary chamber, flow through and convection driven have been developed.

The development of various techniques

Different techniques have been developed which are variously used accordingly. Here are some techniques through which we can get outstanding results. The most mature microfluidic technology is ink-jet printing, which uses orifices less than 100 mm in diameter for the generation of drops of Ink-jet print- ink-jet is rapidly finding a place in biotechnology for the delivery of reagents to microscopic reactors and for the deposition of DNA into arrays on the surface of biochips. Capillary electrophoresis a widely used technique for separating different chemical species in aqueous solutions of biological samples manipulates samples in capillaries that are typically 50 mm in inner diameter. Hand-held systems developed by I-Stat Corp for hospital-based analysis of serum electrolytes were the first commercially developed small analytical systems, and use submillimeter-sized channels. The complex devices now being developed for biological applications with the analysis of DNA (for genetics and genomics) and proteins (proteomics), and biodefense being the most important — typically involve aqueous solutions and 50- to 100-mm channels. A number of companies are now pursuing the commercialization of microfluidic devices.

We can manipulate the volume of fluids

With the help of microfluidics techniques we will be able to manipulate the volume of fluids in the right way. This will increase our ability to manufacture and supply small synthetic or biological molecules for sensing. With this technique we can easily get the reagents to a surface with a subcellular accuracy, which is quite a compelling feature for microfluidics. Recent advancement in microfabrication and microfluidics could provide new approaches for drug analysis, including drug screening, active testing and the study of metabolism. artificial microfluidic ecosystems can serve as model systems to test ecology theories and principles that apply on a higher level in the hierarchy of biological organization. Microfluidics technology creates a wide range of opportunities to customize microfibers. Microfluidics is associated with laminar flow. This feature allows two or more streams of liquid to flow without mixing with each other. This feature can be used to fabricate microfibers.



J. Tariq

Botanist, freelancer, editor, article writer, story teller, creative writing tariqburki@hotmail.com