Why do jasmine flowers bloom at night

J. Tariq
Nov 16, 2020

Jasmine is cultivated as an ornamental plant because of its fragrance. It is mainly grown in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It consists of more than 200 species, belonging to the family oleacea.

Typical jasmine grows to a height of 10 to 15 feet as a lanky, semi-vining shrub, growing 12 to 24 inches a year. Winter jasmine shrub grow to 4 feet high and 7 feet wide.

Common jasmine plants are, Jasminum officinale (poet’s jasmine), J. Nudiflorum (Winter jasmine ), J. Humile ( Italian jasmine ), J. Sambac ( Arabian jasmine ), Nicotiana alata ( jasmine tobacco ), Gardenia jasminoides ( Cape jasmine ), Mandevilla suaveolens ( Chilean jasmine ), Tabernaemontana divaricata ( crepe jasmine ), orange jasmine (various species of the genus Murraya), night or day jasmine (various species of Cestrum) are some popular species of jasmine.

Now coming to the point😍

Like all other plants jasmine also have flower inducing hormone know as florigen hormone. Florigen hormone is a substance that triggers flowering in plants, which gets transported to all over the plant. This substance is called florigen or flowering hormone.

The hormones in its leaves are exposed to sunlight, and it is transferred from the leaves to the flower branches during the day. … So because of this Jasmine opens at night.



J. Tariq

Botanist, freelancer, editor, article writer, story teller, creative writing tariqburki@hotmail.com